Epreskerti Primary School is a friendly, small primary school, which is located in the outskirts of Debrecen city in the north-east part of Hungary. Our strong point is being tolerant towards students. We believe in child-centered education. During teaching, the most important aims are understanding, tolerance and respect for human dignity. They appear in our methods. (Tolerance Award in 2003) In our school there are 398 pupils, who are aged between 6 and 14 and 35 teachers. From 2010, the school is a prequalified reference institution, using digital whiteboards daily for every subjects in the school. In our 'best practice', we developed the use of interactive whiteboards. The school is specialised in Information Technology. We teach an advanced level of Information Technologies for the students. In general, the school has a leader part in teaching Information Technology in Debrecen, attracting students from other parts of the city. The priority of teaching foreign languages (English, German) is very important in our school. Our pupils have been learning English or German at various levels from the age of six. Every year we organize a theatrical performance, when every class has the opportunity to present a dramatical or musical play. Our school is 'eco'-school which means that the given activity is made with the maximum respect to the environment, and keep the ecosystem alive without harming it seriously. In this context the eco-school means a school, which tries to work and educate the youth on these principals. We recieved the 'Eternal Eco' award in 2012. That is very important for us to support the disadvantaged students and the talents. We are in a special talent management programme. We try to develop their basic skills, abilities and knowledge. These can help the individual learning. The main aim is to give them a strong base and useful knowledge for their future. For our school it is very important to enable pupils to learn more about the countries in the central Europe as we share the history with them and it is also essential to give them the opportunity to use the language outside the class. We are always looking forward to new ways of learning, new ways of exploring, new ways of communicating. The key persons of our school are the following: Gyula Szabó, the headmaster of our school is interested in IT projects. As a headmaster he is experienced in project management as well. According to his plans the school became first ecoschool, besides being eco-friendly soon became IT school with lots of interactive whiteboards, tablets, VR glasses and a smart room is under contsruction. Anita Gállné Luterán has been project coordinator since 2013 twice in Comenius projects and once in Erasmus+ project. She is an English teacher as well, she can motivate several students to join the Erasmus+ project. Judit Tóth-Szura is an English teacher as well. She teaches lower classes, she is interested in international projects too.