Our school is a typical small rural school, it is situated in the northern part of the Central Bohemia not far (40km) from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. We have pupils from different social background - from workers to high managers in Skoda Car company in Mlada Boleslav where nearly all the parents are employed. We have got 250 pupils from 3 to 15 years old, 26 pupils of them are pupils with special educational needs, about 5% of pupils are from social weak or gypsy families. We have 15 teachers, 5 pedagogical assistents at school. Together 34 persons of staff. We would like to give the chance and opportunity for project work to all pupils at school according to their interests, experience and possibilities. We would like to increase pupils´ and teachers´ horizons to motivate them for long life learning, to strenghten their feeling of being Eropean citizens, to fight against xenofobia and rasism, to learn them to appreciate their national heritage and the heroes from history and ordinary life. The project coordinator and the principal will be the key persons ofproject, supported by all the teacher. In the case when these persons leave their positions the deputy principal and another English teacher are ready to také over their roles. We have very good backround of project - 2 laboratories for ICT and very experienced teachers at IT, soour school is ready to create oficial project websites.