Heroes of our Lives

Heroes of our Lives
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Heroes of our Lives

The project Heroes of Our Lives involves 5 partners from different primary schools in Europe: Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Nethelands and Turkey. Our schools have different characters and numbers of pupils (some are in the villages, some in the big towns). And this fact is great challenge for our cooperation on project materials. The project tasks will be included into school curriculums in many subjects: English, Art, Physical Education, Games, Literature, Music, Crafts, Information Technology, native language, History, Civics. By means of this we will implement a cross curricular approach. Our aim is to learn about national heroes of partner countries using digital media and technologies. We want the children to research and share traditional stories, legends and information from their history or today lives and cultures. Children will explore the moral themes and citizenship from the stories of their heroes. The children will explore these following main areas and work together on topics of interest with these results:
1. Hero of national fairy tale Results: puppets, pictures, descriptions
2. Hero of national legend Results: comics, books, film
3. Hero of national history Results: posters / banners, PowerPoint presentation
4. Hero of our time Results: PowerPoint presentation, recordings, videos, posters
The project work will concentrate on pupils of the age from 7 to 13 years.
We want the children to create and perform some stories, make banners, PowerPoint presentations or other digital materials with obtained information. We intend to share products that can be used at all partner schools such as stories, PowerPoint presentations, digital materials, recordings of performances. The smartboards will be used to show presentations or how products are being created and they will show results of pupils' work.
The children will use English as a main language of communication in the project to add simple commentary in English. They can develop not only their language skills.Inter-cultural relationships and the improvement of ICT skills are the basic of the project. The pupils will get e-mail from friends of other partner countries to be able to develop friendships and learn about different culture, traditions and history. All the heroes of other countries can lead to better understanding. They will help to fight against rasism and xenofobia. It is a perfect way to develop English language, ICT skills and knowledge of all our positions within a European society. It will strengthen responsible behaviour towards themselves and the other people in Europe. Impact of our project work will not be only on involved pupils and their parents´ community, but also on local and regional public and other regional schools as well. New technologies enable us to make links to many subjects and increase the motivation for involved children and teachers. Nowadays when children are influenced by many new technologies - especially TV, computers - internet, mobiles, etc., they often spend most of their time in front of screens. We would like to change their passive life styles into active spending free time - for example: sport heroes and sense of fair play in real life. We believe sharing traditions and values can be a way to use the influence of modern day technology which is enabling children to understand that the world spans further than a computer screen. Children will also have the opportunity to relate to characters such as heroes, we will discuss how this links can lead to better understanding of citizenship and how a person can play an active role in being a European citizen.
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